Moving In:
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Unpacked and ready to go...Whats Next? |
Moving in to college can be a hectic,fun, tons of emotion filled process. Yet you are one step closer to meeting new friends, meeting up with the old ones, dealing with financial aid office, preparing yourself for classes, late night studying, gaining the freshman 15,the wonderful event's and activities that go on around campus, becoming a broke college student (learning where all the discounts for students are) finding yourself, and of course preparing yourself for the professional world.
In College is where most people try to find themselves yet what I have learned is the best way to find yourself is in Christ
Finding Friends:
Finding friend's in college when you first begin can seem hard. Yet it is safe to say that you will want to choose your friend's wisely. Not everyone comes to college with the same motive's as you. Some come to college to get there education ( you would think everyone going to college goes to get an education... but the don't), some come just to please their parent's, some just to hang around, some come for the parties, some to get their MRS., others to make a name for themselves, or just to get it because its required at most job's, as well as just another step to get them to another step like a Master's, Doctorate. Whatever the case they are here make sure your choice of a friend is a good one. The bible says:
Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
Okay, this is a big one especially as a Christian. I've seen it time and time again. You can tell what type of home someone was raised in but they start acting out and wild following others actions.
You don't have to follow the crowd. Take it from someone who always was trying to please the crowd growing up. It took me down some really dark roads and I almost lost my life. BUT GOD.... So make sure you find people who will help uplift you, help you up when life knock's you down, will be a study partner on those long night's, someone to eat dinner in the cafe with, to help get you through college and you help them as well. Not someone who will drag you down. The bible also say's that:1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”
Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Finding A Church Home While Away From Home:
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Lead me to the Cross |
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
This is my verse of choice get's me through everything in life. This verse say's "I can do all things through Christ"but how can you do all things through Christ if your not growing in Christ? So while you are away from home it is a great thing to find yourself a Church home. If your in instate student you keep attending your church or find on that is closer to school that will help you grow in Christ ( Bible believing Church).
- Pray about where God would want you to serve
- Ask other Christian's that share the same faith in Jesus Christ. ( You don't want to get mixed into wrong teachings which could hinder you from growing)
- What ministries and programs are offered? ( Some church's have College Ministries)
- Check out website or call first
- Remember no Church is perfect just as no person is perfect
Classes, Studying, Task Managing:
Classes are a bit overwhelming when you first get started. Trying to find your classes, purchasing your books, finding different to get you to class faster.Yet after a while you will start to get into a routine of how things go. You will find that some classes may be harder then other's, some may have light work some my have piles and piles of work. Despite all that it is never a bad time to get a tutor if you see yourself not understanding somethings.
Classes are a bit overwhelming when you first get started. Trying to find your classes, purchasing your books, finding different to get you to class faster.Yet after a while you will start to get into a routine of how things go. You will find that some classes may be harder then other's, some may have light work some my have piles and piles of work. Despite all that it is never a bad time to get a tutor if you see yourself not understanding somethings.
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Studying in college a major thing for a college student that can and will leave you pulling all nighters. Different people study different ways so it's a good time to find out what type of studier you are. Some people don't even study, some spend hours, many copy notes, memorize, flashcards,etc. Just find a way that is best for you. Also find a place that is best for you to study and stay away from things that will cause you to procrastinate.
Study Tips
- Time-Management - Make a schedule, always check your syllabus for due date's, as well as email and blackboard !
- Concentration- Pick a time & place that will better allow you to be able to focus on your work
- When in doubt, ask- Ask your roommate, a RA/GA, tutor, sit down and talk to your teacher!
- Motivation- Try to study when you have energy or with a group if you wont lose focus,or a study buddy, if not study alone maybe after a nap so that you can get things done!
Task Management:
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Stick to the Game plan! |
- Focus on one task until you complete it: Usually start working on the hardest thing or the thing that will take you the longest.
- Step away from the Social Networking, Tv, your phone,anything to keep you unfocused.
- Set a deadline time for yourself
- Reward yourself for your accomplishment: Go hang with some buddies,grab a treat, take yourself to a movie on the weekend's.